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You can Heal Anything when you work at a Soul-Level 

You Don't Need to Live Stuck Anymore!

There's a movement exploding where people are being restored! 

Improvements are happening for people with all kinds of symptoms including eyesight, illness, relationships - everything!

The first step is learning how to receive healing yourself by discovering the inner wisdom you've always had access to but were never taught.

Hi, I'm Summer!

When I was growing up, no one talked about the soul or spirituality. I was told to follow a regular education model, get a regular job and at one time I was invited to do ‘regular’ therapy with my clients at a psychology firm. I couldn’t do it. It went against every fibre of my being. The code of ethics did not resonate with what I knew to be true. The separation of personal and professional life creates what I call clinical dissociation or separation from our shared human experience. 

So. what I did instead, is I sought out my own education, that awakened in me, a remembering of what I already knew.  

When you embody your most AUTHENTIC Soul-Self (after life shows a the lessons to discover what that is) life becomes magical. You no longer need to be 'healed' because you are always in a process of re-aligning to source & fulfilling your Soul-contracts.

Looking back, I didn’t know my life-purpose was guided, as I healed ‘impossible' things in ‘impossible' ways.

In my early 20’s I had a Streptococcal Blood infection that caused massive boils all over my body and the infectious disease specialists at the Hospital could only offer 'Antibiotics" which they said I'd have to take for the rest of my life!! BAH! . …

Long story short, I had an 'insight'  brought on by what we may call Alchemy or Mind-Body Medicine and it disappeared. At the same time, my life-long eczema disappeared and I started improving my eyesight.

Since then, I have healed chronic migraines and an autoimmune disorder among other unusual ‘feats’.  And what I want everyone to know is that your life is guided in much the same way, even though it may not feel like it right now.

Relationship crisis, accidents, injuries and Illness are wake up calls us to get out of emotional, mental and spiritual patterns that enslave us. One of the patterns I had was not to speak about the things I knew to be true. I truly hid myself and my real gifts for a long time. 

Toxic relationships, soul-sucking jobs, physical symptoms like chronic fatigue and pain, migraines, autoimmune disorders and eyesight issues are all your soul speaking to you.  

We ALL have fractured histories and war somewhere not far from our lived experience. And, when families hide their trauma, the shame it creates LIVES on in our body and is handed down generation after generation, until one family member breaks the patterns despite the pain of discord and conflict it can appear to create.

Usually, some form of life or health crisis initiates them into an awakening. If you're still reading, I am guessing you are one of the 'awakened' ones or the 'black sheep' that never really fit in. You think differently or feel excluded and misunderstood.  If so, I wrote my book for you! 

From one soul to another, thank you for not giving up. We are in a tumultuous time of collective, conscious healing. Your voice and your authentic presence is needed. By tapping into universal wisdom, you can embody your soul’s truth, reclaim your health, & deepen your relationships to live an outrageously authentic and magical life!

The Soul-Truth Discovery Academy 

The Soul Truth Discovery Academy is an 8 month journey of life-transformative, experiential education in self-healing, energetic/universal law and intuition within a supportive soul-based community. 

When you Embody your Soul's Wisdom, you can heal your life.  Your WHOLE life.  As you connect fully to Source and fulfill your Soul-Contracts, your body and relationships heal. 

The Soul-Truth Discovery Academy allows you to rediscover your innate Alchemical Wisdom.  “Alchemy’  is about the skill to create profound, quick shifts in mental and emotional states, situations and physical symptoms.

You will learn how to access emotional, energetic and spiritual reasons behind symptoms as you tap into Universal Energetic Law through the Body-Mind-Soul transformation process of INside-OWT. It simplifies inner soul work by teaching you how to follow the "energy trail" to the true inner root cause of physical, emotional and spiritual pain and suffering.  The program will guide you in diving deeply into the mind/soul/body connection to access your innate abilities to release blocks and heal. 

 Now You Can Learn


The Powerful 5 Step Process to Spontaneous Insight & Self-Healing

INside-OWT guides Soul-Searchers in Transformational Self-Healing.  It is a simple, natural process that guides you to implement Universal Law and natural energetic transformation into your life so you live in alignment to Source.  

How the powerful Process of

INside-OWT works:

#1 -Guides you in translating energetic language into insight and self-awareness so you can step onto your Soul’s path with unwavering faith and fulfillment.

#2 - Draws from ancient Egyptian Alchemical Wisdom so you can incorporate multiple millennia of restored wisdom.

#3 - Offers a modern, simple approach to applying universal laws for healing so you can let go of outdated protocols to trust in your innate wisdom. 

#4 - INside-OWT is a straightforward, natural way to reconnect with your spiritual essence and make aligned decisions to your “inner Resonant Truth” so you feel at peace with way less stress and anxiety.

#5 - Learn intuitive self-healing, where you can experience personal transformation on multiple levels or areas of your life at once.

#6  Leads you to master fear and meet unconscious resistance through unwavering trust in divine consciousness.  

Learn More about This Process! 

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Watch these Short Videos of Personal INside-OWT Experiences

INside-OWT is ideal for: 

  • Self-Healing 
  • Personal Transformation 
  • Strengthening One's Intuition  
  • Finding Meaning in the Experiences of Life
  • Aiding in Dream Recall & Understanding​
  • Building Trust & Surrender to a Higher Purpose
  • Deepening the Connection to your Inner Wisdom 
  • Discovering the Energetic or Emotional Patterns Behind Physical Symptoms​
  • Releasing Emotional or Physical Trauma and Trusting the Body-Mind-Soul Healing Capacities
  • Exploring One's Spiritual Path and Connection to Universal Guidance 

INside-OWT is ideally practiced during: 

  • Life Transitions 
  • Extreme Stress
  • Healing, Life or Relationship Crisis
  • Anxiety or Panic Attacks 
  • Acute or Chronic Pain Conditions
  • Ocular (Visual) Migraine Headaches 
  • Life Situations that Confuse or Disorientate you 
  • When you Feel Unbalanced and Don't Know Why 
  • When you Feel a High Degree of Negative Energy Toward a Situation or Person​
  • When you want to Stay Connected to your Soul.
  • When you want to Explore the Meaning of any situation- accident, injury or Symptom

Why Vision Improvement is an important part of the Soul-Truth Discovery Academy

Your Eyes are the Windows to Your Soul

yet we treat them more like captive slaves under strong lenses.  

Eyeglasses prevent eye movement and access to our higher senses.   Many of the women in the Academy begin improving their eyesight without any intension of doing it. It's not hard to do once you attend to the soulful reason you are wearing glasses.  You don't even need to think about it, your glasses just start to become 'annoying' and too strong.  

Vision Improvement is not about eye-exercises.  It's about using your (reduced prescription) glasses when you need them (not all the time) with mindful awareness, then the rest practically happens on its own esp. as you start to embrace the principles of INside-OWT and are aware of how the EYES really work and start to use your glasses as tools, not crutches.

As part of the Soul-Truth Academy, you have access to the

Eyesight & INSight Course 

that teaches you all of these skills.


* PLUS, as part of the Academy,

you get hand-holding from Summer to reduce your prescriptions
and order them on-line which saves you Thousands of Dollars.


for Details about the SOUL-TRUTH DISCOVERY ACADEMY  

a 8 month Journey of life-transformative, experiential education in self-healing,

energetic/universal law and intuition within supportive soul-based community. 

People are Talking About Their Life Change!

" You have no idea how many people I have recommended to you.  I know authentic power when I see it and feel it.  You embody what I aspire to and am aligning with.  I am grateful for the Soul-Truth Discovery Academy. It's truly next-level.  

Lorraine Schlotter 

"I went to see Summer because I was having problems with my left eye & accidentally ended up healing my whole life”

Naomi Rozak  

"I am proving to myself what l've known, deep down, all along - the body can heal from anything. Taking part in your program is the missing piece | have been looking for”

Brenda Gerling 

"Summer!  I'm just loving your book. The number of insights and changes in my life since reading your book and having my INside-OWT session has been profound!  

Rose Hudson 

" It is such a trust in divinity, in divine consciousness. Life changing, divinely orchestrated, there’s no doubt. I needed this, I absolutely needed this. Why I had to wait until I was 72 to get it, I don't know!”


"I was a nurse and am currently a coach. One thing I notice about INside-OWT is that you don't have to do multiple sessions. In one session there is transformation, it happens fast.”  

Sarah Langner 

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