Empowered Empath Academy

Create healing and flow in your life while exponentially magnifying your results with clients

The Empowered Empath Awakened Academy is a 6 month Program that leads Coaches, Therapists and Health Professionals out of burn-out to create an aligned, Soul-led Life by addressing the root causes of their own relationship and health issues (including their eyesight) 

Remembering how to trust their innate inner power, Coaches & Therapists become Empowered Empaths, Healers & Teachers who experience an unprecedented sense of confidence and freedom to step onto their Soul’s path with unwavering faith and fulfillment.  

As they embody their soul’s wisdom and fulfill their soul-contracts, their intimate relationships and bodies, including eyesight heal and money flows effortlessly into their source-aligned life. 

"I went to see Summer because I was having problems with my left eye & accidentally ended up healing my whole life". Naomi Rozak 

"I am proving to myself what l've known, deep down, all along - the body can heal from anything. Taking part in your program is the missing piece | have been looking for"  Brenda Gerling 


If you're an experienced Healer, Nurse, Counsellor, Therapist, Coach or Health Professional,

you have a lot of skills and modalities at your fingertips and there are likely 

Seven things on your mind you are likely conflicted about  …

#1: You’ve begun to feel like a fraud. Some healers feel their confidence shaken because they have some persistent health or life challenges of their own. “How can I propose to heal others when I’m stuck with this?”

#2 You are conflicted with paying high professional fees to authorities you’ve lost respect for. You’ve lost faith in the governing body that you were taught your craft under, and the authority your profession held now feels flimsy.

#3: Your practice or profession is beginning to feel stagnant.  It feels flat, like you’re just going through the motions. You’re craving something that might inject new life, new energy and direction into your work and your life.

#4: You feel like you’re about to implode with ideas & perspectives you hesitate to share with you clients, based on the reasons they came to see you... but at the same time, you hate feeling only half-authentic, partially present and unable to help them the way you wish to.

#5: You are beginning to feel done with being the ‘fixer’.  You are tired of having clients come to you to heal, cure or fix them, when you know they aren’t broken. It’s exhausting, it’s boring and clients don't get better. 

#6: You’re tired of pre-scripted protocols because it feels generic.  At first they were such a relief to have. But now they limit you from helping in the most effective way and  you wonder, “Is there anything different between my work and others?”

#7: You feel ready for some ‘next level' in your work and life that you can’t quite articulate.  You have the feeling the next level of your success will not come from you, your ego or what you know, but will come through to the degree you express your authenticity. You also know you can’t keep going through the motions or faking it anymore. You are aware you will get sick, depressed, lonely or anxious if you continue to hide your truth. 

Hi, I'm Summer!

Like you, I have been in your situation as a health professional feeling grateful for the work I do, and the knowledge I have, but, at the same time, feeling frustrated within a clinic or system who under-utilizes my diverse skills.  

Like many Therapists, Health Practitioners and Coaches, I bet you have gone into great depth with many different modalities and business courses to crack the code on what will lead you to a successful and meaningful career outside these systems.  Having worked for years, you likely feel under-appreciated and exhausted and/or broke trying to make inroads to deliver your gifts to those who really 'get it'   

On top of it all, as a life-long learner, you have earnestly explored healing your money & self-worth issues, self-doubt, and people pleasing tendencies to set better boundaries  — all the areas we have to master as professionals and entrepreneurs (in addition to the work we do with our clients!).

NOW, you are at fork in the road.  You are not sure you want to continue with the services you offer in the same way,  yet ... at the same time, I bet you are likely ready to be done with addictive styles of learning that come out of the need to soothe the idea you don’t know enough.  

AND, deep down, I bet you have an innate sense that the next level of your work won’t come from a new technique, but a new framework. 

Here's what I know: You don’t need a new modality or tool, but an entirely new tool box! 

What you need is just ONE Paradigm Shift that recalibrates your relationship with all of it — simultaneously. This paradigm shift is about remembering your embodied wisdom and returning to what you know - not what you learned, but what you know, deep down...  

The Truth is: Our "alternative" and "holistic" helping professions are still in the same paradigm as the doctors, psychiatrists or other specialists who, although well-intentioned, let you down during your own healing journey. The vast majority of Holistic and Alternative Health Professionals are still working within what I call the Fight, Force & Fix Paradigm.  

This is counter-intuitive, I know, but: It doesn't matter what your client’s issue is, or what it is you know or what your modality is.  Healing is a result of an alignment in both:

  • WHY they come to see you
  • WHY you do what you do

Practitioners or coaches are often positioned as the ‘expert’ or ‘professional’, who is helping someone or fixing a problem.  This relationship doesn’t set them up to be able to take an equal role in their healing and sacrifices their agency in their own healing. 

The same goes for us when we become the 'client'.  It's inevitable.  It's about the relationship.  Truth is every symptom in our life comes down to the WHY in our relationships.

Our relationships to Self (including our bodies), Source and others. 

Stepping out of our roles as practitioners, on the other hand, we become sacred mirrors. ...   Have you ever noticed if you feel stuck, your client feel stuck also?  That, if you are dealing with issues of grief, so are you clients!?  If you feel a sense of lack, you attract clients don’t seem to have money either?  We call to us the experiences and mirrors (our clients) that teach us what we need in order to be in alignment with ourselves. 

Healing from this perspective is not about us being the helper, fixer or the ‘expert’ it is about a mutually shared journey in Universal Truth and collective consciousness.  

And the beautiful thing about this is it's the same "sacred mirror" perspective that heals our personal lives too!  

This is the SACRED SHIFT that happens within the Empowered Empath Program.  

EM means IN.  To have power from within.  

Because, truth is, most empaths or healers have  persistent physical symptoms or really difficult relationships in their own lives. As an empath we have been taught to tap into our gifts and innate wisdom when people seek us out for healing, but when it comes to relationships with intimate partners or family,  we're super sensitive to what they’re thinking and feeling

Instead of using our gifts, by understanding and applying Energetic Law in our personal lives- we often take on, or are thrown off, by others energy because and we go to therapists or psychologists instead... . This can be debilitating if we want to feel well, but avoidance and isolation is not a long-term solution. 

In the Academy, we get a strong grasp of how the people that most trigger us, which is usually our siblings, children parents or in-laws are our Jedi master trainers” to soul embodiment.  The Academy dives into why your everyday emotions are part of the same energy that allows you to support your clients’ healing.  You learn how to access emotional, energetic and spiritual reasons behind symptoms AND relationship patterns as you tap into Universal Energetic Law. 

This supports your personal life AND your livelihood simultaneously. In the Academy, you also connect this soul-led  knowledge to the practical life skills of positive Intelligence to develop Conscious Communication skills that will elevate your Life and healing practice to a whole new level. 

"Instead of being ashamed we are a spiritual seeker with a physical illness, (or relationship difficulty) we become thankful & say "Aha! -something is coming up to be healed and we have a chance to heal these things, that paradoxically, are actually brought on by RAPID spiritual progress." (David Hawkins


Well, the medical system never helped me much, so without realizing it at first,  I sought out my own education in this life that awakened in me a remembering of what I already knew.  And through it,  I healed ‘impossible things in ‘impossible' ways. In my early 20’s I had a Streptococcal Blood infection that caused massive boils all over my body and the infectious disease specialists at the Hospital could only offer antibiotics —  which they said I'd have to take for the rest of my life!! BAH! 

Long story short, I had an 'insight' brought on by what we may call Alchemy or Mind-Body Medicine and it disappeared. At the same time, my life-long eczema disappeared and I started improving my eyesight. 

Since then, I have healed, chronic migraines, an impacted wisdom tooth, back pain, and an autoimmune disorder among other unusual ‘feats’ including my addiction to sub-optimal relationships and self-worth issues that kept me small and away from my 'real purpose driven work'

Healing at a Soul-level and in alignment with Universal Law, what I call healing from the INside-OWT, is about service and a state of profound curiosity and connection. The best part of it is that all the modalities, tools and skill sets healers, health practitioners and coaches have are exponentially amplified within the knowledge of this ancient, soul-level paradigm.   

Through the process of INside-OWT (Ancient Alchemical Wisdom) AND  the VERY practical process of keeping your vibration high by engaging the awareness of Conscious Communication, you are able to feel a sense of profound integration within your healing, your professional practice, spiritual life and day-to-day interactions. 

In the Empowered Empath Awakened Academy, you will discover how to heal areas of your life in ways most don't think is possible.  As emotions and physical symptoms (signs) arise, you will know - not guess or think, but know what they mean on spiritual and universal level and learn to do it in-the-moment, rather than needing to heal 'trauma' later.  

And, One of the biggest obstacles that slows our progress and healing in all areas of our lives, including , our success in our livelihood is our personal relationships and how we perceive others in our intimate sphere !

It is time to shift our human perspective and hear the call from universal consciousness.

Through the process of INside-OWT, you are invited to relearn the language of your soul and shift your perspective of frustration and fear to curiosity and trust.  By accessing the spiritual, emotional and energetic patterns behind life-circumstances and symptoms, all areas of your life are affected.   

As you fully align to source and embody your soul’s wisdom, your intimate relationships and bodies, including eyesight heal and you step into a new sense of synchronicity that creates extraordinary outcomes in all areas of your life.

If you are REALLY ready to see your life and practise change to a profound sense of meaning & purpose, with WAY less overwhelm, burn out or fatigue, you don’t need to fix each problem, wound or inner conflict individually, one by one. It's ineffective and takes lifetimes. 

INside-OWT, on the other hand,  is a way of accessing the Universal field of your awareness, your inner wisdom and innate truths. It is a simple, natural way to innerstand how your body is a conduit of ENERGETIC language that is a part of Universal Consciousness. This helps you, as the professional, confidently re-learn to listen deeply and access the knowledge you already possess in every cell of your body to heal yourself and collaborate with your clients to create lasting results by exponentially magnifying what you ALREADY know.  

How the Powerful 5-Step Process of INside-OWT works:

#1 - Guides you in translating energetic language into insight and self-awareness so you can step onto your Soul’s path with unwavering faith and fulfillment.

#2 - Draws from ancient Egyptian Alchemical Wisdom so you can incorporate multiple millennia of restored wisdom.

#3 - Offers a modern, simple approach to applying universal laws for healing so you can let go of outdated protocols to trust in your innate wisdom. 

#4 - INside-OWT is a straightforward, natural way to reconnect with your spiritual essence and make aligned decisions to your “inner Resonant Truth” so you  feel at peace with way less stress and anxiety.

#5 - Learn intuitive self-healing, where you can experience personal transformation on multiple levels or areas of your life at once.

#6  Leads you to master fear and meet unconscious resistance through unwavering trust in divine consciousness. 

INside-OWT is ideal for: ​

  • Self-Healing 
  • Personal Transformation 
  • Strengthening ones intuition  
  • Finding meaning in lifes' experiences 
  • Aiding in dream recall & understanding​
  • Learning to trust & surrender to a higher purpose
  • Deepening the connection to your inner wisdom 
  • Exploring the energetic or emotional patterns behind physical symptoms​
  • Releasing Emotional or Physical Trauma and Trusting the Body-
  • To Explore ones spiritual path and connect to Universal Guidance 

​INside-OWT is ideally practiced during: ​

  • Life Transitions 
  • Extreme Stress
  • During Healing Crisis
  • During Anxiety or Panic Attacks 
  • For Acute or Chronic Pain Conditions
  • During Ocular (Visual) Migraine Headaches ​
  • Life situations that confuse or disorientate you 
  • When you feel unbalanced and don't know why 
  • When you feel a high degree of negative energy toward a situation or person​
  • ​When you want to stay connected to your Soul.
  • When you want to explore the meaning of any situation or symptom

How do I know this stuff? 

Life Experience is the short answer.  When I was growing up, no one talked about the soul or spirituality. I was told to follow a regular education model, get a regular job and at one time I was invited to do ‘regular’ therapy with my clients at a psychology firm. I couldn’t do it. It went against every fibre of my being. The code of ethics, like false ‘objectivity’ and separation of personal and professional life, created a sense of what I call clinical dissociation or separation from our shared human experience.   

You can expect to:

  • Develop trust in your innate wisdom (intuition) both professionally and personally.
  • Learn how to translate your Soul-Language into the heart-led English Language of Conscious Communication 
  • Interrupt Self-Sabotage Patterns 
  • Heal long-standing rifts in relationships and family dynamics
  • Align to Source Energy and the guidance it offers 
  • Navigate life disappointments, crisis, conflicts, symptoms and injuries faster, with more ease.
  • Gain skill to amplify any healing modality, ie. Reiki, SIT, Emotion Code, Hakomi, Meditation etc. with greater awareness (either as a client or a healer) through the embodiment of Universal Law.
  • Deepen your experiences with plant medicines such as Ayahuasca, Magic Mushrooms etc.
  • Integrate your spiritual experience with everyday life
  • Find deep healing from traumatic life events and discover the gifts within it
  • Experience a decrease in, or resolution of physical symptoms
  • Engage the process of Connection through Conscious Communication that will shift crucial conversations into an energetic healing experience that shifts generational patterns. 
  • Improve Your Eyesight through my signature Eyesight and INsight curriculum 
  • Avoid Optometric Visits and costly prescription lenses through Vision Education  
  • Calm your nervous system and relieve anxiety
  • Observe how spontaneous self-healing occurs and how to support others
  • Embody transformative knowledge that affects your home and work-life
  • Instantaneously shift negative or overwhelming emotion into insight
  • Master fear and meet resistance with courage and curiosity
  • Connect to spirit, animal and/or ancestral guides
  • Laugh, play, have fun and engage your creativity
  • Feel a sense of belonging and spiritual family
  • Create a consistent self-care practise 

Don’t take my word for it!  Listen to other Nurses, Healers and Coaches and clients about their experience with the process of INside-OWT

Cayla Twedochlip: From burnt-out chef to a solo-van-trip healing adventure!  

Naomi’s Professional Journey How she found her calling

Judy Walker - Massage Therapist 

Sarah Langner - RN and Coach 

Megan Carter - Reiki Master 

Naomi Rozak on the Teachable Soul Podcast - Reiki Master & Mind-Body-Soul Mentor in INside-OWT 

Larrie - suffered for 5 years with a life-threatening skin disorder

This educational journey takes place in a hybrid model of sacred in-person and live-on-line spaces.  It is an intimate space with a maximum of 12 healers/empaths per semester. Starts in January and culminates with a retreat in June each year. 

CURRICULUM -   Starting Early January each year, we have eleven, 3 hour live in-person if local (or online) meetings once every 2 weeks and weekly practice sessions and finally, a retreat and graduation ceremony in June.  

  • WEEK 1  What does it mean to be in Service to your Soul 
  • WEEK 2  Relationships as Soul-Contracts (Conscious Communication) 
  • WEEK 3  Eyesight & INsight - How to Improve Your Eyesight. 
  • WEEK 4  Mastering Soul-Language & the power of INside-OWT 
  • WEEK 5  Embracing Truth Mastering Fear & Meeting Resistance 
  • WEEK 6  Benefits of Being Sick (Physical Symptoms)
  • WEEK 7  5 Steps to Spontaneous Insight -The Deeper Dive
  • WEEK 8  Courage to Heal - Levels of Consciousness 
  • WEEK 9  Getting out of the Fight, Force & Fix Paradigm 
  • WEEK 10 Past Lives - Your Soul-Contracts and Purpose 
  • WEEK 11  Higher Purpose - How to live & Share Your Wisdom
  • WEEK 12 Empowered Immersion RETREAT

Value of what's Included in the Empowered Empath Academy 👇

1.  The BOOK: Soul-Side Out; Universal Laws to Healing and Living Your Best Life.  PDF & Audio Book Versions Value: $Priceless.

2. Empowered Curriculum Study & Intuitive Self-Healing Practise  (3.0 hours) once every 2 weeks   $4,000

3. 18 LIVE Online (zoom) Group Self-Healing Practise & Share with Summer - 3 x/month  Mondays 11 am m.st  & Wednesdays 6 pm -7:30pm MST (75 minutes) (Value: $1,800) (Times may change depending on participant availability) For best integration of learning and to move on to the Empowered Empath Professional Program, participants need to make a minimum 2/3 of theses sessions each month.  

4. Twelve Sacred Mirror Opportunities (Practices where Summer works with one women to be witnessed)  (90 mins 1-2x/month)  (Value: $1,800) 

5. Access to Comprehensive Intro to Self-Healing Includes INside-OWT Audio Immersion practise, and my Mind-Body Medicine Body Symptoms Journal.  (Value: $197)

6. Intro to Connection through Conscious Communication (Relationships as Soul Contracts)  (Value: $99)

7. Connection through Conscious Communication (Relationships as Soul Contracts) 8 week course to be taken anytime in the year following enrolment in the Academy. (Value $1,555) 

8. Positive Intelligence PQ App access for over a year (Value $1,000) 

8. Eyesight and Insight; Natural Vision Improvement Course for Empaths and Intuitives (Value: $397) Includes  Eyeglass Prescription Review & Reduction Call

9. Ultimate Home Emergency Kit for the Immediate Relief of Migraines. (Value $47) 

10. Body-Mind-Soul Intuitive Self-Healing Retreat & Graduation with Summer.  This is a 3 day retreat in June of each year on a Fridayam -Sunday 4:30 pm.  (Value: $750)                                                                      

11. 180 mins personal support with Summer:  90 min INside-OWT sessions, or 30 min clarity calls with Summer (Value: $600) 

TOTAL VALUE:  $12,245.00

WHAT YOU PAY: $4,888!  🎓 2 Partial SCHOLARSHIPS per semester are available.


💥 Click the link below to reserve your spot and gift 🎁 yourself a Year of Soulful Development.  YOU will purchase a DEPOSIT, to secure your interview with Summer.   

  • ONE Yearly Payment: $4,888 ($500 Registration fee +$4,333)
  • Monthly Payments: $500 Registration fee, $2,000 Down payment + $500/month for 5 months

🎓 2 Partial SCHOLARSHIPS per Semester are Available. 


If you are a health practitioner, therapist or coach who is ready to step into their Life-Purpose and is curious about upleveling your practise to gain a profound sense of meaning by witnessing what we would have previously called ‘miracles’ unfold within your own life and your clients; download the Soul-Level Paradigm table PDF below  I  created for you that describes the soulful perspective and paradigm shift out of the Fight, Force and Fix Paradigm, in detail, from both the practitioner and client perspectives.  

Then, 💥 CLICK the purple link to reserve your spot. YOU will purchase a refundable DEPOSIT of $500 to secure your Soulful Professional Practise Interview with Summer. 


If you have any questions or need to customize your payment plan or request a Scholarship, email Summer@summerbozohora.com or text her directly at 780-451-8441.  

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