Soulful Healing Journey to Reconnect without the need for Separation or Divorce

HEAL deeply, at a soul-level through your relationship conflicts, breakups and triggers.  This program is specifically for people experiencing immediate life crisis in their health or relationships who are serious about transforming their patterns and gaining wisdom through it. The ground breaking work of INside-OWT creates profound shifts and insight which leads to mental and emotional freedom. 

The Healing Mentorship Program is a customized program founded upon the ground-breaking INside-OWT (Soul-level Alchemical Wisdom) combined with Conscious Communication skills and mentorship.

Why wait for Lawyers, or even mediation.  Feel empowered to live your life, take responsibility (be response-able) and make the shift to a WAY more empowered way of living and relating. 

Embody why this experience is happening FOR you, not to you and how you can break-free of ingrained emotional, mental and generational patterns.  If you resonate with the idea that each life experience is a gift, that breaks you open to face your fears to be and become your Authentic self - not the one everyone else wanted you to be, but, your original, essential self, this program with fast track you to that end & also save you a lot of emotional, mental and (often) financial pain of lawyers. 

👉 You will receive ongoing powerful guidance you can use for life following the 5 step process of INside-OWT, the New Frontier in Mind-Body Medicine and Total Transformation as described in the book: Soul-Side Out; Universal Laws to Healing and living your Best Life, along with Positive Intelligence App, that will help you daily to regulate your nervous system and change the way you respond to stressful situations.  

Most clients are often experiencing one or more than one of the following in their recent history:

  • Life Crisis - Loss of Job or significant relationship, confusion, inability to relate to others - Social anxiety. 
  • Identity Crisis - Unsatisfied in their career, a shift in friendships and family relationships. 
  • Loss of Meaning and Life-Purpose 
  • Health Crisis - Recurring Symptom/Condition conventional or alternative medicine can’t get to the bottom of. 
  • Burn Out/Adrenal Fatigue - 3rd or 4th Stage HPA Axis Dysfunction
  • Marriage Crisis - Resentment and anger, feeling lack of support or unsatisfied with a partner, Triggers and Trauma, stress buildup.  
  • Major Life Transition
  • Dark Night of the Soul, - feelings of meaninglessness or depression
  • Extreme Grief or Loss 
  • Spiritual Trauma - Loss of Faith or Community

These are all signs, your SOUL is speaking to you - NO SCREAMING and BEGGING YOU to listen deeply and act on what messages it imparts.  There is more to your life than you thought.  

👉 You will receive ongoing powerful guidance you can use for life following the 5 step process of INside-OWT, the New Frontier in Mind-Body Medicine and Total Transformation as described in the book: Soul-Side Out; Universal Laws to Healing and living your Best Life, along with Positive Intelligence App, that will help you daily to regulate your nervous system and change the way you respond to stressful situations.  The powerful tools create profound shifts and insight which leads to mental and emotional freedom. 

Enrolment is after a personal conversation to determine your needs/goals so you receive the BEST option for the most effective results. 

👇Find out what's included in the program  below 

👇 Scroll down immediately if you're looking for the link to schedule a call with Summer.

👉The Soulful Journey to Reconnection Healing Mentorship Program is a customized program founded upon the ground-breaking INside-OWT framework combined with Conscious Communication skills

The Healing Mentorship (6 Month) (time is flexed) Program for Individuals: (sometimes our partners aren't ready when we are, so we begin the work on our own) 

  • 1 Goals Setting /Assessment Session
  • 10 90 Minute Private Sessions + Session Summaries 
  • 10 35 min check in Resource Calls 
  • Unlimited text/Voice Support 
  • Additional on-line Group Support Practices for Self-Care
  • Intro & 8 Week Conscious Communication Courses 
  • + Positive Intelligence App and Nervous System Gym


  • 45 mins Initial goal setting  (Value $150)
  • 3.3 hours/month combined session time x 6 months  (Value $ 3,960)
  • + custom homework and UNLIMITED text/voice support (Invaluable)  ($2,222)
  • + Group support and on-line practise for Self-Care 2x month  ($900) 
  • + Intro & 8 week Group Conscious Communication Course  ($1,555) 
  • + Positive Intelligence App and Nervous System Gym ($1,000 US) 
  • Other Resources geared toward your specific needs.  

TOTAL Value:  $9,817 (based on rate of $200/hour) Psychologists currently charge $220/hour and Lawyers $300-$400/hr) 

YOUR INVESTMENT: $3,888-$4,888 Scale.  Full Payment or payment plans can be arranged. 

This is a FULLY CUSTOMIZED Program for your unique situation and designed to facilitate your most direct path to healing.  NOTE: Some people extend the time-frame over 8 months or more.  It is completed as the timing is right for you. 

Questions?   email Summer 

The Healing Mentorship 6 Month Program for Couples & Families: 

FOR COUPLES or 2 Family Members: 

  • Goal Setting Session x 2 
  • 12 150 Minute Private Couple Sessions + Session Summaries 
  • 350 mins personal check in resource calls each (10 35 min check in calls each) or up to three individual 90 min sessions each. 
  • Unlimited text/Voice Support 
  • Intro & 8 Week Conscious Communication Courses 
  • + Positive Intelligence App and Nervous System Gym 


  • 2 x 45 mins Initial goal setting first month (Value $300)
  • 7 hours/month combined session time x 6 months (Value $ 8,400) 
  • + custom homework and UNLIMITED text/voice support (Invaluable) ($4,500)
  • + 8 week Group Conscious Communication Course 2 x $1,555 ($3,110) 
  • + Positive Intelligence App and Nervous System Gym for a full year 2 x ($1,000 US) 

TOTAL Value:  $18,510 (based on rate of $200/hour) Psychologists currently charge $220/hour & Lawyers $300-$400/hour) 

YOUR INVESTMENT: $7,750-$9,750 Investment Scale.  Full Payment or Deposit $2,000 + payments (as arranged) 

This is a FULLY CUSTOMIZED Program for your unique situation and designed to facilitate your most direct path to healing. NOTE: (Best Results are when the couple completes the Communication course early in the program. 

👉 NEXT STEP: Click below and reserve your spot.👇 Afterward, you will be immediately directed to book your Goal Setting Session!  

PS. Check out the written stories/testimonials of others' experiences here. Videos stories here.

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