Vision Improvement for HEALERS, EMPATHS & INTUITIVES
You will be Learning to Improve your Eyesight, Reverse Perscriptions*, Prevent Eye Disease! PLUS: Elevate your Intuition & Deepen your Heart-Brain Connection
👇Scroll down to find more of what's included in your class:
Snapshot of Topics You Will be Learning:
ALL the topics taught in the Foundations in Vision Improvement Class ✅
PLUS learn why improving YOUR eyesight will elevate your intuitive capacities for healing yourself and others
Emotional & Energetic (nervous system) aspects of vision
Role of reduced prescriptions in releasing trauma
The role of Light and the Pineal Gland in Seeing
Role of the Masculine (Right Eye) and Feminine (Left Eye) aspects of self & seeing.
Video trainings for natural vision improvement - all you need to know in one place! ($125)
Monthly LIVE Q&A with Summer on zoom. Bring all your questions. ($100)
Send questions while you watch the classes and receive email replies. ($50)
Private Online 35-minute Prescription Assessment and Lifestyle Review with Summer. ($350 Value)
BONUSES include videos for your specific conditions along with downloadable vision charts, tools, exercises and more. ($400 Value)
Resources included in the BONUS section:
Eye Habit List
Eye Exercises
Downloadable Natural Eye Charts
Instructions for using pinhole glasses to retrain your eyes most effectively
Journalling Exercises to increase your visual acuity
Acupressure charts and directions for yourself or massage therapist to accelerate healing
Targeted trainings for these specific conditions:
Myopia/Nearsightedness (People who need glasses to drive)
Hyperopia/Presbyopia (people who need reading glasses)
Those who are currently using bifocals, multifocal or progressives
Double Vision, Lazy Eye, Amblyopia/Strabismus
Additional topics that will be covered:
Discover the 8 visual skill sets (of which Optometrists only measure one!)
Uncover more about sunlight, sunglasses and the role of light in how you see
Prevent eye-disease & eye strain
Role of bifocals/progressives/lasik surgery
Discover the REAL legal driving acuity - which is not 20/20!
Receive resources for conditions such as cataracts & macular degeneration
Number one vision skill for Reading at Any Age
Eliminating computer fatigue & near-point stress
Legal driving acuity which is not 20/20! and distance vision
Simplest & most effective eye exercises for vision improvement
How to read & understand your prescription
Ordering reduced lenses to save $$$ thousands!
Preventing Eye-Disease & resources for conditions such as cataracts & Macular Degeneration.